Avv. Pietro Longhini
Pietro Longhini is a lawyer and Of Counsel at PFKA. He specializes in litigation and provides consultancy in particular in the areas of M&A, national and international contract drafting, and IT law. In addition, he also deals with telecommunications, banking, finance, corporate, and bankruptcy law. He has extensive experience with national and international liability issues, primarily for physicians and managing directors. Pietro regularly advises leading energy producers, domestic and foreign telecommunications network operators, media companies, IT service providers, software businesses, and open source hardware manufacturers.
Pietro is highly valued by colleagues and clients alike, as he always remains precise, focused, and calm, even under great pressure. When you work with him, you can feel that Pietro is passionate about his job.
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Key data & areas of practice
Key data
Born in Varese.
Admitted to the bar in 2000.
Registered with the Milan Bar Association since 1999.
Preferred areas of practice
M&A, corporate law, commercial contracts, dispute resolution.
English, Italian, French
1989: Matura at the Ernesto Cairoli classical grammar school in Varese.
1994: Studied law at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, specializing in international law. Thesis: “Le norme vaghe, la soft law ed il principio di sussidiarietà nel trattato di Maastricht”. Supervisor: Prof. avv. Giovanni Maria Ubertazzi. Grade 108/110.
1997: U.S.A. Law Program – University of California, Davis and Berkeley Campus.
1989-1995: Journalist at the daily newspaper “La Prealpina” (literature and legal issues).
1995-1996: Legal internship at the law firm Prestinoni-Trussi in Varese.
1996: Legal internship at the law firm Glover’s – West Surrey (London).
1996-1999: Legal internship at the law firm of Prof. Giovanni Maria Ubertazzi in Milan.
Since 1998: Research assistant in international law at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan. Assistant researcher, in particular on EU liberalization processes in the field of public services – telecommunications and energy.
1999: Internship at the Office of Legal Affairs – General Legal Department – United Nations Headquarters – New York.
Since 2000: attorney in Milan.
Since 2004: Of Counsel at the Milan office of PFKA.

Pietro has always been a passionate basketball player and still enjoys the sport. He loves the mountains and is an excellent skier. He has taken part in over 30 running competitions around the world and has achieved great results in both the marathon and the half marathon. Pietro loves to travel and is a keen cyclist.
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Functions, memberships & special activities
Pietro Longhini holds seminars for various business associations.
Scientific publications:
- “Le SIM ed i Promotori Finanziari nella Giurisprudenza”, monograph in the anthology “Raccolta Sistematica di Giurisprudenza Commentata” (Giuffrè Editore), 2001;
- “La liberalizzazione dei servizi aeroportuali”, in “Servizi essenziali e diritto comunitario”, G. Giappichelli, 2001;
- “Internet nella Giurisprudenza”, monograph in the anthology “Raccolta Sistematica di Giurisprudenza Commentata” (Giuffrè Editore), 2003;
- “Il controllo giudiziario delle società di capitali ex art. 2409 c.c. nel contesto del nuovo diritto societario e del novellato rito camerale: in particolare: il ruolo del pubblico ministero”, in “Il foro Ambrosiano”, n. 2, 2004.
- “Denuncia per irregolarità nella gestione di società chiuse”, in “Diritto e Pratica delle società”, Il sole 24 ore, n.3, 21 febbraio 2005, p. 79 ff.
- “Imprescrittibilità dello status di socio e diritto alla percezione degli utili”, in “Diritto e Pratica delle società”, Il sole 24 ore, n.11, 20.06.2005, p. 70 ff.
- “Factoring e fideiussione rilasciata da socio di società cedente”, in “Diritto e Pratica delle Società”, Il sole 24 ore, No.3, 27.02.2006.
- “Revoca cautelare degli amministratori di srl”, in “Diritto e Pratica delle società”, Il sole 24 ore, no. 20, 2006, p. 83 ff.
- “Apparenza e prova dell’esistenza della società di fatto attraverso presunzioni” in “Diritto e Pratica delle società”, Il sole 24 ore, no. 12, 10.07.2006
- “Servizi Finanziari telematici”, monograph in “Diritto delle Nuove Tecnologie”, Giuffrè editore, 2006
- “Danno estetico ed alla vita di relazione”, in “Il Foro Padano””, no. 63, July-December 2007, p. 642 ff.
- “I regimi di responsabilità nei sistemi di corporate Governance in Italia e Usa”, monograph in “Studi di diritto Privato Italiano e Straniero”, Giuffrè Editore, 2012.