Avv. Fiorenza Bianchi
Fiorenza Bianchi has more than twenty years of experience in the areas of labor law and compliance. She regularly acts on behalf of international clients, in particular in connection with M&A projects. Among other things, she deals with all labor and social security law issues and conducts due diligence reviews.
Fiorenza tries to resolve conflicts through mediation where possible. Hers is an empathetic, yet effective, fast, and goal-oriented approach. She is a team player and is always determined to use her strength and skills to the advantage and benefit of both colleagues and clients.
worth knowing
Key data & areas of practice
Key data
Admitted to the bar in 2001
Registered with the Milan Bar Association
Preferred areas of practice
Labor law, compliance & regulatory, real estate law, dispute resolution and litigation
Italian and English
Education and career
- 1998: Studied law at the University degli Studi di Pisa. Thesis on administrative law: “I conflitti di competenza tra Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato e la Banca D’Italia nell’applicazione della disciplina Antitrust al settore del credito”, supervisor: Prof. Fabio Merusi.
- 1998: Worked in a law firm specializing in labor and social security law in Massa Carrara.
- 1998-2000: Internship at a notary’s office.
- 2001: Admitted to the bar and graduated from the Scuola di Formazione e aggiornamento nel campo delle professioni giuridiche in Florence.
- 2001-2015: Collaboration with leading law firms in Milan.
- 2006: Participation in a course on financial statements organized by the Milan Bar Association.
- Since 2015: Of Counsel at the Milan branch of PFKA.
- Since 2016: Data protection consultancy and drafting of data protection models for companies; for some of them as DPO.

Fiorenza, a native of Tuscany, has a passion for art, theater, and good food. In her free time, Fiorenza often enjoys bike rides. She is also passionate about Pilates—a discipline she discovered for herself a few years ago that has formed an integral part of her everyday life ever since. She enjoys sharing her interests in theater, traveling, and her passion for the sea and sailing in summer and skiing in winter with her family and friends.