Dr. Christoph Petsch
Christoph Petsch is a partner at PFKA, attorney at law, and Consul General of the Republic of San Marino in Vienna. He advises on all major areas of commercial law with a focus on company law and corporate law, industrial property rights (UWG, or Unfair Competition Act), intellectual property law (patent, design, and in particular trademark law), product piracy, protected geographical indications (PGI) and designation of origin (PDO); he advises private individuals on civil and inheritance law, real estate law, and litigation. Many of his clients have a connection to France.
Christoph takes the time for each client to work out and implement legal and tactical solutions to international and complex legal problems and conflicts. His ability to handle cases in French is particularly appreciated by clients.
Information on the Consulate General of San Marino in Vienna
Worth knowing
Key data & areas of practice
Key data
Born in Vienna in 1957.
Attorney since 1986, registered with the Vienna Bar Association.
Consul General of the Republic of San Marino since 1999
Preferred areas of practice
Mergers & acquisitions, corporate law, company law, real estate law, industrial property rights (UWG, or Unfair Competition Act), intellectual property law (patent, design, and in particular trademark law), product piracy, protected geographical indications (PGI) and designations of origin (PDO), advice to private individuals in civil and inheritance law, litigation.
German, Italian, English, French
Education and career
1981: University of Vienna – Law School Dr. iur.
1983-1984: Traineeship at the law firms Jacques Mauro and Coutard-Doise-Gewelbe-Martinez, Paris, France.
Since 1986: Lawyer and partner at PFKA – Petsch Frosch Klein Arturo Rechtsanwälte in Vienna.

Christoph has traveled to many countries and continents, which have awakened his interest in the diversity of people and cultures. The UNESCO World Heritage List continues to be a good guide for his joy of discovery. He enjoys editing and putting sound to his travel videos. Music is an important part of his life. The spectrum ranges from pop and rock music such as Abba and Zappa to classical, opera, and world music. For him, music is good if it is authentic.
Christoph is also interested in history, visual arts, literature, and theater. His private life revolves around his family and grandchildren. Tennis and swimming allow him to recharge his batteries.
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Memberships & publications
Memberships and functions
- AIJA (Association internationale des jeunes avocats) – National Honorary Vice-President;
- AIPPI (Association internationale pour la protection de la propriété intellectuelle);
- CCFA (French-Austrian Chamber of Commerce);
- DACH (European Bar Association);
- ECTA (European Communities Trade Mark Association);
- INTA (International Trademark Association);
- LIDC (International League of Competition Law);
- PTMG (Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group);
- Vienna Bar Association;
- UIA (Union internationale des avocats) – representative for Austria (2010-2016);
- UCCA (Union of Consular Corps in Austria) Member of the Board, Auditor.
- “Lex Mercatoria” ;
- “Arbitrage en matière de propriété intellectuelle”;
- “Protection of Minority Shareholders”, Kluwer Law;
- “Les obligations déontologiques envers les avocats, les tribunaux et la société”;
- “Cyberlaw – What is it?”;
- “Study on Data Protection and Public Access to Information”, European Commission;
- “Webvertising: Unfair Competition and Trademarks on the Internet”;
- “Guide to European Trademark Law and Litigation”, Sweet & Maxwell;
- “International Recognition and Protection of Famous Trademarks”, Trademark Law 8-9/1999;
- “Outsourcing”; “Enforcing Trademarks Abroad”; “Electronic Commerce” Croner;
- “Austrian Law on Electronic Signatures”;
- “Investir en Autriche”;
- “Recovery of Maintenance Claims in Austria”;
- “INTA Geographical Indications”, Austrian report;
- “AUTRICHE: La porte de l’Europe de l’Est“;
- “International Sale of Goods”;
- “The Interaction between Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law: Parallel Import and Restraint Competition in Vertical Agreements”;
- “Legal Issues and Practice in Terminating Agency, Distribution and Franchising Agreements in Austria”;
- “Regulating New Technologies: Do We Need Innovation or Is it Just a Selling Argument?””;
- “The Austrian Bud Saga”;
- “INTA Trademark Cancellations: International Practice and Procedures” contributor for Austria since 2007.