Consulate General of the Republic of
San Marino
The Consulate General of San Marino in Vienna
The Consulate General of the Republic of San Marino is located at the following address:
Schubertring 14
A-1010 Vienna
Phone: +43 (0)1 586 21 80
Contact person: Honorary Consul General Dr. Christoph Petsch
Overview San Marino
International Relations of San Marino
The Republic of San Marino currently maintains diplomatic and consular relations with over seventy European and non-European states.
It is a member of numerous international organizations, including the United Nations, UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the International Monetary Fund, the International Court of Justice, the World Health Organization, and the World Tourism Organization. It also collaborates with UNICEF and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
The Republic also has official relations with the European Union and participates in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Further information can be found on the following websites:
State Department (Segreteria di Stato per gli Affari Esteri e Politici, Programmazione Economica e Giustizia)
Ministry of Justice (Segreteria di Stato per gli Affari Interni, Leggi e Decreti della Republica di San Marino)
Additional information
Politics and administration
The old institution of the Arengo, originally as mentioned the meeting of all family heads, transferred its powers later to the Consiglio Grande (Grand Council) e of generals (general advice). Today the whole of the voters is called Arengo; it will call up at present twice per year on Sunday after the office introduction of the Capitani Reggenti. The citizens of San Marino have opportunity to make suggestions and requests to the Consign Grande.

The legislative power is exercised by the Consiglio Grande e Generale, whose sixty members are selected by the population for a term of 5 years. lt approves the national budget and appoints the Capitani Reggenti. The regents are the heads of the state and the executive remains in office for 6 months, selections taking place 1 April and 1 October of each year.

The executive power rests with the Congresso di Stato. lt consists public education, culture, university and law of the three Ministers (Segretari di Stato) for outside and political affairs, responsible for intimal affairs and civil defence as for finances, household and planning, information and relations with the Agenda Autonomy di State Philatelic e Numismatic (national office for Philately and Numismatic), andin addition there are seven further Ministers (Deputati), for the departments; Area planning, environment and agriculture, relations with the Agenda Autonomy di Stato di Produzione (national supply enterprise); Health service and social security; Trade and relations with the local councils (Giunte di Castello), relations with the Azienda Autonoma di Stato by i Servizi (national service enterprise); Communication, traffic, tourism and sport, industry and handicraft; Work and cooperation.

The national territory of San Marino is partitioned in nine Castelli (municipalities), which correspond to the old prishes. Each Castello has a local council (Giunta) under the presidency for a term of live years of a selected Capitano, selected by the inhabitants. The Consiglio dei XII (Council of Twelve) is selected by the Consiglio Grande e Generale for the duration of a legislative period and is an administrative organ as the highest judicial instance of the republic. Two delegates are assigned by the government (Sindaci di Governo) to represent the state before court, as in disputes over financial and financial affairs.
Military and police
Although the Republic of San Marino is a neutral state whose peace-loving existence is recognised worldwide, it also has uniformed military corps that defend the independence of the state.
All citizens between the ages of 16 and 60 are subject to compulsory military service in the Republic.

The university-formed company of the reserve corps participates in official ceremonies and at special opportunities as order service is used.
The honour or aristocracy guard with its particularly decorative uniform provides for the security of the Capitan Reggenti and the Consiglio Grande e Generale.
The fortress guard is responsible for the artillery and performs its service at the government palace and at the national borders.
The gendarmerie serves as the police force and supervises and ensures order in the whole country.
The corps of the civilian police consists of citizens of San Marino and is responsible for monitoring, protecting and preventing illegal activities in the areas of trade, tourism, food trade and traffic.
Administration of justice
In San Marino the Administration of Law is, for historical reasons, entrusted to lawyers from the foreign countries. The justices of the peace form is the only exception; they are responsible exclusively for civil cases involving limited amounts. Finally, for civil cases responsible judges are the Commissario della Legge (law commissioner) as the first instance, the Giudice delle Appellazioni Civili (appointment judge) and the Consiglio dei XII, if the judgments of the two first instances do not agree. For criminal actions, responsible judges are the Commissario della Legge inquirente (examining magistrates), the Commissario della Legge decidente criminal judges in first instance, the Commissario della Legge Giudice dell’esecuzione penale and the Giudice delle Appellazioni per le cause penali (appointment judges).

The legislative power is exercised by the Consiglio Grande e of generals, whose sixty members are selected by the population for a term of 5 years. lt approves the national budget and appoints the Capitani Reggenti. The regents are the heads of the state and the executive remains in office for 6 months, selections taking place 1 April and 1 October of each year.
The executive power rests with the Congresso di Stato. lt consists public education, culture, university and law of the three Ministers (Segretari di Stato) for outside and political affairs, responsible for intemal affairs and civil defence as weil as for finances, household and planning, information and relations with the Azienda Autonoma di Stato Filatelica e Numismatica (national office for Philately and Numismatic), andin addition there are seven further Ministers (Deputati), for the departments; Area planning, environment and agriculture, relations with the Azienda Autonoma di Stato di Produzione (national supply enterprise); Health service and social security; Trade and relations with the local councils (Giunte di Castello), relations with the Azienda Autonoma di Stato by i Servizi (national service enterprise); Communication, traffic, tourism and spart, industry and handicraft; Work and cooperation.
The national territory of San Marino is partitioned in nine Castelli (municipalities), which correspond to the old prishes. Each Castello has a local council (Giunta) under the presidency for a term of live years of a selected Capitano, selected by the inhabitants. The Consiglio dei XII (Council of Twelve) is selected by the Consiglio Grande e generals for the duration of a legislative period and is an administrative organ as weil as the highest judicial instance of the republic. Two delegates are assigned by the govemment (Sindaci di Govemo) to represent the state before court as weil as in disputes over financial and financial affairs.

Monuments, museums, artefacts, excursions
Architectural monuments, museums, art articles, trip goals the historical centre of San Marino is only one monument, “a medieval weir system, which remained for the surprise of future generations by the centuries through”.

On the summit of the Monte Titano the three proud fortresses rise up into the sky; they are today still connected by attachment walls and courses with the underlying city, which is enclosed with numerous gates, bastions and military towers by a three-way wall ring. Within the city walls the roads, places, buildings, churches and the medieval houses made of stone nearly everywhere retain their strict, pictorial original appearance. Beside the three towers – Guaita, Cesta and Montale, those a tourist an attendance to fail cannot (particularly second, also the museum for antiquity weapons accommodated) – the most important objects of interest are the government palace, the Basilika with the Chiesetta di San Pietro and the last resting-place of the holy Marino and Leo, the church San Francesco with a “Pinakothek” and museum, the church San Quirino or the Kapuziner-monchs and the exhibition of the band work of San Marino. Different private collections are in addition considerable like the Collezione Maranello Rossa (Ferrari collection), the museum for modern weapons, the old timer museum, a museum of wax figures a curiosity collection and the reptilarium aquarium.

In the eight Castelli approximately around the Monte Titano (Acquaviva, Borgo Maggiore, Chiesanuova, Domagnano, Faetano, Fiorentino, Montegiardino and Serravalle) should not be forgotten the following objects of interest: the castle Malatesta by Serravalle, the modern, church of Borgo Maggiore, the post office museum for Philately and Numismatic (likewise in Borgo Maggiore, at present because of change closed), sketched by the Florentines architect Giovanni Michelucci, the church and the monastery of Valdragone, the attachments of Pennarossa as weil as churches, old ruins and different curiosities everywhere.

Natural beauties
Monte Titano, the surrounding hill country with pine woods and natural parks (Pineta di Montecerreto, Parco Naturale in Montecchio, Parco Ausa in Dogana, Parco Laiala in Serravalle), the hiking path’ Percorso Vita ‘in Domagnano as hunting and fishing resources.

Practical Information
For the summer, light clothing is recommended, in spring and autumn transition clothes are fine. Fiat shoes for langer walks and suitable clothes for the visits of the churches are particularly advisable.
Flag and coat of arms
The flag of San Marino is white and light blue, with the coat of arms of the republic in the center. The coat of arms shows three mountains and three feather-decorated towers, framed by two green branches which are connected down by a bough with the slogan “Libertas”. Above it there floats a crown as symbol of the sovereignty.

Sport and leisure activities
Tennis, Basketball, gymnastics, cycling, horseback riding, skeet shooting, hunting, fishing and swimming amongst various others. A modern furnished sports centre in Serravalle, numerous tennis and football fields at different places, a golf training facility and a new indoor swimming pool offer comfortable opportunities to those who wish to pursue these activities.

Food and beverage
The house-made pasta such as Tortellini, Passatelli, Tagliatelle, Lasagne aluminium forno, Ravioli, Cannelloni, Strozzapreti, Cappelletti in brodo and others are highly recommended. In the meat courts Coniglio are particularly remarkable in porchetta (rabbits with wild fen), Pollo alla diavola (cockerels of the grill), Quaglie in salmi (quails), Scaloppine (escalops), Cotolette alla bolognese, Bocconcini assortiti, Saltimbocca u.a.m. Sweet foods: different cakes and cakes, Cacciatello (dessert from milk, sugar and eggs), Bustrengo. Wines: Moscato di San Marino, Biancale, Grilet and an excellent Sangiovese.

Typical products are the handicraft of San Marino such as ceramic goods, available in numerous shops. Tue stamps and coins of the republic, which are sold by the national office for Philately and Numismatic in the center of San Marino, enjoy interest.
There are many native wines and liqueurs among them the Moscato and the Mistra (a dry Aniseliqueur) belang. Native and foreign liquors, of which there is a rieb selection, are particularly low-priced as weil are playing cards, cigarettes, goldjewellery, mementoes and many other products in San Marino.
Formalities at the border
There are no bordering and customs formalities.
Traffic and accessibility
San Marino is connected to the European road system, using the “Adriaautobahn” (A 14, exit Rimini south) and the motorway from Rimini to San Marino; From the station Rimini out there is a regular bus service into the republic. The nearest convenient airports are Rimini Mirarnare, Forli and Bologna. Distances of the most important ltalian cities: Rimini 24 km, Bologna 135 km, Ravenna 70 km, Milan 330 km, Rome 350 km, Ancona 130 km, Forll 74 km. From San Marino numerous picturesque places for excursions of the Romagna and the Marken (ancient districts) can easily be reached by car, e.g. the castles of San Leo and Verucchio.
The nearby beaches of the Adria are only 12 km from Dogana

Exhibitions, festivals and meetings involving art, culture and theatre draw annually the interest and the attention the public and the international press.
Into the late summer there are folk-historic presentations, among them the Palio that arm ehest contactors on the occasion of the national holiday of San Marino on 3 September. Spring and Auturnn the main season for congresses and conferences.
San Marino proved tobe an ideal place, for meetings of scientific, cultural and social kind.

Useful links
Country, travel and hotel information
Parliament (Consiglio Grande e Generale)
Ministery of foreign affairs and justice (Segreteria di Stato Per gli Affari Esteri e Politici, Programmazione Economica e Giustizia)
Ministery of labor, tourism, sports and post (Segreteria di Stato Per il Lavoro e la Cooperazione, Turismo, Sport e le Poste)
Ministery of health and social services (Segreteria di Stato Per la Sanità e la Sicurezza Sociale)
Ministery of Education (Segreteria di Stati Pubblica Istruzione, Università, Istituti Culturali e Informazione)
Office for economic development
Central bank (Banca Centrale)
Radio and television (Radio Televisione)
Office for stamp and expenditure for coin
The Republic of San Marino in the Council of Europe